Bit Manipulation Problems

We may face many Interview Questions which can ask us to find the

Sum of XOR of all pairs of the array OR 
Sum of XOR of all subsets  

Generally, the constraints for these questions are very high with the value of each array element to be as large as 10^18. So that is a catch to use Bit manipulation method to solve the questions. We will be discussing some of these questions in this post.

 Given an array arr[] of size n, we need to find sum of all the values that comes from XORing all   the elements of the subsets.

 Input                                               Output

 3                                                       28
 1 5 6


 The most important clue for solving these questions is to find a pattern with respect to the                property of XOR

1 =     001
5 =     101
6 =     110
1 ^ 5 = 100
1 ^ 6 = 111
5 ^ 6 = 011
1^5^6 = 010
Total number of subsets possible is 2n  And we can see each bit from 0 to 2 contributes 1 exactly (2n)/2 times. So If there is any value of array that has set tth bit set, then exactly half of 2n subsets will contribute to 2n-1+i to the final sum.


using namespace std;

int xorSum(int arr[], int n)
 int bits = 0;
 for (int i=0; i < n; ++i)
  bits |= arr[i];
 int ans = bits * pow(2, n-1);
 return ans;

int main()
 int n;
 int a[n];
 for(int i=0;i<n;i++){


 Input                                  Output
 3                                         12
 7 3 5

 When looking at the nth bit (where the rightmost bit is the 0th), count how many numbers have 0 (call this an) and how many have 1 (call this bn). The contribution towards the final sum will be  an*bn*2n. You need to do this for each bit and sum all these contributions together.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    long long int n,i,j,k;

    long long int arr[n],ans=0;


            if((arr[j] & (1<<i)))

        ans+= (1<<i)*(k*(n-k));     
    return 0;

Question 3

Given an array A[] of size N. Now you are given Q queries to be performed over this array. In each query, you are given 2 space separated integers L and R. For each query, you need to you need to find the summation of the xor-sum of all triplets (i,j,k) of the sub-array L...R , where L≤i<j<k≤R.
In short, you need to find ∑(A[i]⊕A[j]⊕A[k]), over all triplets (i,j,k) , such that L≤i<j<k≤R . Print the answer for each query , Modulo 109+7

This was a question of a hiring contest. Try solving it. Quite similar to the previous problem.

Practice Problems:


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